Transfiguration Greek School

The Church Greek School program fosters spiritual and Greek language learning through age-appropriate lessons, which includes an introduction to the Greek language and traditions, church feasts, fasts, and liturgical practices, prayers, Bible stories, crafts and projects, and traditional Greek and liturgical music.
March 25th Celebration
On Saturday March 20, 2021 our Greek School honored the feast day of the Annunciation of the Theotokos as well as the remembrance of the 200 year Anniversary of the Greek Revolution of 1821.
The program, which took place via Zoom, began with the parish priest, Fr. Chrysostom, speaking to the students on the importance of the combined events of the Annunciation and Greek Revolution of 1821. The guest speaker from Greece, Mrs. Angeliki Mastromihalaki, talked about the Revolution and the great heroes of Greece who’s contributions led to the freedom of a nation held in slavery by the Ottoman Turks for four hundred years. The students then followed with a presentation honoring both the Annunciation and the Greek Revolution of 1821 complete with costumes, depictions and songs.